Optics of the eye and its impact in vision: a tutorial

Autores: Pablo Artal
Revista: Advances in Optics and Photonics
Volumen: 6
Paginas: 340-367
Fecha: 24-09-2014 (2014)
ISBN: 1943-8206
1. Introduction
The human eye is an extremely robust, and rather simple, optical instrument. It is composed of only two positive lenses, the cornea and the crystalline lens, that project images of the world into the retina initiating the visual process. Compared with artificial optical systems, often formed by many […]

By |September 24th, 2014|Categories: 2014, Publications||0 Comments

Un nuevo sistema de evaluación visual personaliza la elección de las lentes

Revista: Diario Médico.Com
Fecha: 15-09-2014
Desarrollado en la Universidad de Murcia, combina una serie de instrumentos oftálmicos que podrían sustituir, con mejoras ostensibles, a los que se emplean en la clínica diaria.
El grupo de investigación de excelencia del Laboratorio de Óptica (LOUM) de la Universidad de Murcia (UMU), dirigido por
Pablo Artal, ha conseguido hacer realidad uno […]

By |September 18th, 2014|Categories: SEECat's Media News||0 Comments

Comparison of binocular through-focus visual acuity with monovision and a small aperture inlay

Authors: Christina Schwarz, Silvestre Manzanera, Pedro M. Prieto, Enrique J. Fernández, and Pablo Artal
Revista: Biomedical Optics Express
Volumen: Vol. 5
Paginas: pp. 3355-3366
Fecha: 02-09-2014 (2014)
ISBN: 2156-7085
Corneal small aperture inlays provide extended depth of focus as a solution to presbyopia. As this procedure is becoming more popular, it is interesting to compare its performance with traditional approaches, such as monovision. Here, binocular visual acuity […]

By |September 2nd, 2014|Categories: 2014, Publications||0 Comments