OPEN Post-doctoral research positions

Post-doctoral research positions at Prof. Pablo Artal’s Optics Laboratory in Murcia University, Spain, within the SEECAT-advanced grant of the European Research Council

SEECAT (“Seeing through cataracts with advanced photonics”) project summary:
Cataract is the opacification of the crystalline lens of the human eye. It is usually related with age and is one of the leading causes […]

By |November 18th, 2014|Categories: Job Openings||0 Comments

Pablo Artal en Ciencia al Cubo de RNE

Interesante entrevista al profesor Pablo Artal en el programa Ciencia al Cubo de RNE , presentado por América Valenzuela. En la entrevista, el director del proyecto SEECat, explica su proyecto para corregir las cataratas sin necesidad de cirugía.

podcast ciencia-cubo-unas-gafas-para-corregir-cataratas

By |November 3rd, 2014|Categories: News, SEECat's Media News||0 Comments